Dr. Mazzucchi wrote his PhD thesis on the influence cross relationship between states and companies in the energy sector. Raphael was also board member of Sparus Software, a leading Mobile Device Management player, until its acquisition by Zenprise, itself acquired by Citrix Systems for 327 M$. He currently holds an AI Research Chair at the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI) and he is a Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). Future Intelligence Summit will open with one full day of conferences under the patronage of IANP 2020. He is interested in Data Science and Statistical Learning. Future Intelligence brings forward thought leaders, innovators and technology experts and will consider professionals from all backgrounds (academia, to startups to global companies) for speaking opportunities at the Summit. I actively support transparency and explanations on how AI make decisions, human’s supervision, ethics and digital & IA tools widest accessibility in the health industry. David has led studies in several fields, such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Energy, Engineering, Public works, Safety, Airports or Water supply. Started as vision engineer and took successive positions as leading expert, manufacturing technologies manager, Industry 4.0 project leader. After graduating from ESCEM School of Business and Management, he started his career in auditing and joined Cora in Hungary as a Deputy Chief Financial Officer. Marjorie Allain-Moulet has been an AI and Big Data specialist in CS Group since 2014. Then, as a deputy to the information security directorate manager of the DGA, I was involved in the industrial policy and innovation for cyberdefense technologies as well as developing international and inter administration partnerships. L’Observatoire) and in March 2017 “Des Robots et des Hommes: mythes, fantasmes et réalité” (Ed. He served on board several warships, led Counter pollution and Maritime litigation at the Maritime Coastguard Agency for Channel and North Sea in Cherbourg, then joined the cabinet of the Chief of Defence in Paris before joining the cabinet of the President of the EU military Committee in Brussels. Nubbo offers 3 programs adapted to the stage of development of the project or the company: free pre-incubation and open to any innovative BtoB project to test the idea (1 month), incubation to validate the business model and acquire the 1st customers (12 months), acceleration to structure the business commercially and financially (6 months). In 2018, he joined Renault as an expert in statistics (durability/reliability, robust engineering, data analytics, V&V of autonomous vehicles) and leads the data roadmap for the quality department. Serial entrepreneur, he launches in 2018 a school: the AN21, the first version of which is created in Toulouse, which trains developers, security engineers and AI specialists. He is the author of numerous articles, including “The Power of Computing, a Force of Control? After 20 years in local authorities, including 10 in the direction of economic action and research in the Midi-Pyrénées Region, I joined the Midi-Pyrénées Incubator in 2012, became Nubbo in 2018. Dr. Mazzucchi is also scientific advisor in foresight analysis for Futuribles International and auditor of the 25th session of the Ecole de Guerre. Mercier has been the principal investigator on a research project supported by the French Ministry of Health on potentially avoidable hospitalizations. Fabien Bardinet loves to travel and work hard where opportunities are. We Cover All Information Security Niches. She then joined the School of Computer Software at Tianjin University (China), where she was a professor, head of the Data Science team. She is also an Associate member of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering) and a Member of IFAC Technical Committee 5.2. In July 2019, Marjorie integrated ANITI as the industrial co-pilot, with Leila Amgoud, of the integrative program on Acceptable AI. Conférence Hack-it-N. Réservez la date, la conférence sera le mardi 10 décembre 2019 à l'ENSEIRB-MATMECA. Extended Detection & Response “Face the unpredictable” | TEHTRIS is a company founded in 2010, expert in cybersecurity and publisher of the TEHTRIS XDR Platform, deployed in many business lines all around the world. He is the co-Convener of the AI Civic Forum (AICF) organized in partnership with University of Montreal (Algora Lab), Mila, and UNESCO; and of the Global Governance of AI Forum (GGAF) organized yearly during the World Government Summit in Dubai. Ses conférences s’adressent au grand public comme aux experts. Show Map. Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, Professor of Ethics and AI, CNRS-Sorbonne Université, Head of the Cybersecurity AI Group, Hub France IA. Forgot account? After several general management positions in Airbus subsidiaries (CEO Infoterra France, CEO Spot Image) and different VP positions within Airbus in charge of developing Innovative Digital Services based on satellite imagery for numerous vertical markets, Jean-Michel is now in charge of Strategic Partnerships for Airbus Defence & Space, Intelligence, from alliances with large companies up to startups scouting and building a digital ecosystem with the selected ones. She received her PhD degree in Applied Mathematics (2007), studied one year as postdoctoral fellow in the Center for Imaging Science at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Since 2014 she has been in charge of developing R&D activities like the IKATS project dealing with Analysing Time Series upon a Big Data architecture. She is a committed woman who leads her team through concrete objectives, likes human challenges and makes innovation a key driver of everything CLS does. He is co-founder of Digital 113 cluster, which brings together 200 companies. Décideurs et entrepreneurs : inscrivez-vous dès maintenant ! Education: “École Polytechnique» (Palaiseau, X88), PhD in applied Mathematics, Armament Engineer, Post doc at the University of Maryland in College Park. I have held this position for 8 years, firstly in Pau and then in Toulouse. VOIR LE REPLAY. This strategy, led by ANSSI, is the result of coordinated interdepartmental efforts to respond to emerging issues of the digi… pin. Is your company trustworthy? Fabien is convinced that robotics is key to build a world in which people will be free from doing dull, dirty and dangerous task. He completed his medical degree (Public Health) at Montpellier University. How can we encourage the creation of startups based on laboratory-based research? His research has always been guided by a constant concern for applications, particularly in statistical finance, sustainable development and health. He is also an aid decisions tool maker for sustainable city and industry. He is also working actively for the diffusion of science towards the general public, through the writing of popular science articles and participation to radio and TV programs as well as science exhibitions. He holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor in Physics from Universidad Católica de Chile.Hidalgo’s contributions have been recognized with numerous awards, including the 2018 Lagrange Prize and three Webby Awards. Often hanging out with entrepreneurs I realized that I had the same mindset and decided to join an aerospace startup. Her fields of interest concern the safe implementation of safety critical applications on avionic platforms. 17 years of experience in large scale industrialization of automotive powertrain electronic devices. He also co-organized four editions of the Forum on Tactile and Gestural Interaction and an Inria – Industry Meeting on « Interaction with digital objects and services ». His recent research activities have been focused on machine learning and statistical signal and image processing, with a particular interest in Bayesian inverse problems and applications to remote sensing, biomedical imaging and microscopy. Before, he has been a permanent researcher in Sony Computer Science Laboratory for 8 years (1999-2007). clock. ». The mission of the proposal to establish a European Cybersecurity Network and a Competence Centre is to help the EU retain and develop the cybersecurity technological and industrial capacities necessary to secure its Digital Single Market. He is currently advisor on Security and Defense at the Council of the EU, leading on various security issues including cybersecurity and new technologies, counterfinancing of terrorism, Sub-Saharan Africa, CBRNe, and defense policy. Sketch Les Pygmées Dieudonné Mbala Mbala - Duration: 20:42. He is also a member of three committees of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethically Aligned Design of Autonomous & Intelligent Systems, a Senior Research Associate with the Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard, and a Fellow with the Center for the Governance of Change at IE Business School in Madrid. Durchweg positiv – so ist die Resonanz auf die CYBERSECURITY CONFERENCE der SAMA PARTNERS Business Solutions GmbH und ihrer Partner. En partenariat avec : PROGRAMME & INTERVENANTS. He presides the scientific board of GIS Albatros and serves on those of LyRE and Fondation de Recherche pour l’Aéronautique et l’Espace. Thierry Berthier est cofondateur, CTO de la startup de cybersécurité Aletheion, cofondateur des sites EchoRadar, VeilleCyber, SécuritéIA, et fondateur du blog Cyberland. He obtained his PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Toulouse in 1991, as a graduate of the « École Centrale de Paris ». Sociological visit of a company » (La Découverte, 2019). After a first experience as a radio host, William puts his energy and communication skills to benefit. He was, in particular, adviser to the Prime Minister in charge of health and autonomy (2010-2012) and director general of the University Hospital Center of La Réunion (2012-2016). First within Bertin Technologies, where he created and led for more than 10 years a business unit dedicated to the design of diagnostic and decision support tools, then as an advisor to several start-ups and SME. Since 2015, he has led a partnership between Ecole Polytechnique and the national institution CNAM to develop Big Data methodologies based on SNDS (one of the largest medico-administrative databases in the world). Her researches focus on statistical modeling and analysis of medical databases in order to: understanding the common features of populations, designing classification, early prediction and decision support systems. She is a founding member and member of the board of Hub France IA (read AI). www.conference-bordeaux.fr. Community See All. Jean-Paul LABORDERoving Ambassador of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on Counter Terrorism, Transnational Organized Crime. Chemin aux Bœufs, 72100 Le Mans, France. Arnaud brings more than 30 years of experience in the space business, where he has been holding over the years, a variety of Engineering, Satellite Programme Management and Director Positions. He studied theoretical computer science at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon, and received his Ph.D. degree in artificial intelligence from the University Paris VI, France. 8h30 | Ouverture et introduction. Cyril Kabbara, co-founder of the French SME Shark Robotics, spent nine years working in intelligence in the French army before studying for a master’s degree in economic intelligence in Paris. Sebastien Jardin is working in the Security & Safety sector since 2015. about 3 months ago. At the beginning focused on intelligent video analytics working with law enforcement & sensitive sites on key subjects (facial recognition, perimeter protection, access control, forensic enhancement…), he moved to cyber security in 2017 taking the lead of the IBM France Cyber Security Ecosystem team in 2018. Patrick has been designing solutions around textual analysis and unstructured data for over 20 years. For 5 years he worked for a business firm specialized in the takeover of companies in difficulty (JL BORLOO law firm). As for now, since 2018, she is the head of Innovation at the Directorate for Military Intelligence. He co-founded with Sigfox of the IoT Valley in 2011. In charge of various departments in Pôle emploi until 2013, I especially participated in the forward-looking work on the labour market by 2020 on behalf of Pôle emploi. He knows how to connect people with passion, and how to mix talent and skills to build big things. He also leads the economic development section of the 3IA ANITI (aniti.fr). How can you improve your competitiveness through trust in the use and cross-referencing of your data? Jean-Jacques Toumazet started his career in Thales as project manager on real time simulators. Solution de cybersécurité unifiée et automatisée. Il étudie en particulier les solutions de lutte contre les attaques par HoaxCrash, arnaques au Président et faux ordres de virement, basées sur la construction de faux profils, de fausses données et de fake news. He is Professor at the Sciences Po Paris Health Chair. Thierry BERTHIERHead of the Cybersecurity AI Group. Before joining the FRS, he was in charge of energy analysis at the French Ministry of the Armed Forces. These tools have been used to analyze the genomes of many bacterial, animal and plant genomes (including his own favorite, cocoa). pin. Thomas has a chair in the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI), he is associate editor of the Artificial Intelligence Journal and editor of the Award Winning paper track of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). We are a team of passionates who conduct and coordinate open innovation within the group. Thierry Berthier est un expert, consultant, chercheur reconnu en cybersécurité & cyberdéfense. Cybersécurité : Enjeu stratégique – Bordeaux/Toulouse. In 2010, he integrated CAPGEMINI as vice-president in charge of the Business Development Unit « Space, Navigation and Defense » for CAPGEMINI Technology Services, and then was “Cybersecurity” Business Unit Manager for SOGETI France in 2014 and 2015. She is/has been an expert for the European Commission, ANR (French National Research Agency), French Competitivity cluster Cap Digital and CCF Big Data Task Force (China). Auteur du livre « From Digital Traces to Algorithmic Projections » publié aux éditions ISTE & Elsevier, il a défini les nouveaux concepts de projection algorithmique d’un individu, de niveau d’ubiquité et de consentement algorithmique. It is then in June 2015 that he created ffly4u after having validated the approach by a first pilot in 2014 with the CASINO group. Date: Throughout the year Location: Worldwide and Virtual. At KXEN, she has been Vice President Innovation until the company was bought out by SAP. It is also an unprecedented impulse that places France as a leader in promoting a road map for European digital strategic autonomy. Conférence spéciale : la cybersécurité à l'heure du tout numérique - Duration: 39:26. polymtlvideos 755 views. In 2014, he led the creation of the first Mutual Innovation Platform labeled by the French state whose purpose was the development of decision support systems for the farmer. Automated reasoning targets the resolution of complex puzzles: the algorithms developed in his lab can solve the most devilish Sudoku grids in less than a millisecond, can learn the rules of Sudoku from examples but also solve much harder and more serious puzzles (but many others are still too hard and cannot be solved). Jean-Jacques TOUMAZETTechnology Exploration. Nous répertorions toutes les conférences et événements sur la cybersécurité qui se déroulent en France. Since September 2018, I manage the Operations Division at Pole Emploi in the Occitanie region. Adjuncted Professor at the University of Toulouse and professor at the Catholic Institute for High Studies, he has written numerous articles on Criminal Justice Systems Reform, Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism. BSides Series. By joining this newsletter you'll receive all of our alerts for every country we report on. He then joined the Sofinco Group and the international management team where he was in charge of developing the business in Hungary, Greece, Morocco and the Netherlands from 1998 to 2005. She’s also the co-founder of Women in AI, an international community of 4500+ members, working toward a gender-inclusive AI. Founder and Head of the Data Science Unit, Artificial Intelligence Fast Track Leader, AIRBUS, Associate Dean of Research, KEDGE Business School, Director of Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest Inria Research Centre, INRIA. Olivier FLEBUS has 20+ years of experience with software development, enterprise architecture, technology consulting, business consulting and agile coaching in various roles and domains (science, finance, industry). After a PhD thesis in Computer Science at LRI and post-doctoral stays at GMD Sankt Augustin and the University of Fribourg, Nicolas Roussel worked as an associate professor (lecturer) at Paris-Sud University and a senior researcher (research director) at Inria Lille – Nord Europe. Emmanuel Bacry graduated from ENS (Ulm) and obtained in 1992 a PhD in Mathematics and in 1996 the Habilitation à diriger des recherches. Conférence petit-déjeuner sur la cybersécurité au sein de votre entreprise. He is also editor of IEEE CIS Newsletter on Cognitive and Developmental Systems where he organizes interdisciplinary dialogs in cognitive science, AI and robotics, as well as associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems and Frontiers in Neurorobotics. MODEL RH aims at strengthening links between strategy analysis, skills demand forecasting and training offers for players who build new national education and training strategies (e.g. VOIR LE REPLAY. Benoit Grunemwald, Cyber Security Expert, Eset. Conférence NAIA Bordeaux, 19 mars 2019 Intelligence artificielle et cybersécurité. Jean-Paul Laborde was the Head of the Secretariat for the negotiations of the Transnational Organized Crime Convention at the UNODC Vienna before assuming the functions of Assistant Secretary General in New-York as Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate at the UN Security Council until 31 July 2017. After starting his career in the first French AI company in the 80’s, he joined ArcelorMittal to develop AI systems for industrial processes. Gérard de Boisboissel is a research engineer at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy (CREC Saint-Cyr). Jean-Jacques has an engineering degree in Automatics and Electronics from INSA Toulouse, a Master degree in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics from Paul Sabatier University, and a DEA in Automatics. She is involved in the development of new methodologies using Decision Support, Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence for design and optimisation in manufacturing and logistics. Professionally, he is a university professor in Mathematics and was President of the University Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier. Prior to this, Caroline did operate in various business positions, lately at Snips, building private by design AI Voice Assistant ( acquired by Sonos in November 2019) and at HCVC venture capital firm, as an investor and partner. He is certified CISSP, ISO 27001 Lead Auditor. This page is updated automatically and filtered with security events pertaining to Bordeaux. Hosted by Campus CESI Le Mans. Can European data regulation become a castrating factor for innovation? Raphael’s entrepreneurial and tech career spans across multiple regions and sectors. Romaric REDONArtificial Intelligence Fast Track Leader. A recognized strategist, thought-leader, and implementer, Nicolas has lectured around the world, and advises governments, international organizations, philanthropists, and multinationals. She is also an expert member of the GPAI on « the future of work » since June 2020. He has been studying lifelong autonomous learning, and the self-organization of behavioural, cognitive and cultural structures, at the frontiers of artificial intelligence, machine learning, cognitive sciences and educational technologies. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Francoise_Soulie_Fogelman, Françoise SOULIÉ-FOGELMANScientific Advisor. Jeudi 18 mai, Matilan, Watchguard et la MMA s'unissent pour sensibiliser les entreprises sur les risques et les enjeux de la cybersécurité. Through collaborations with biochemists and protein engineering specialists (from Belgium and Japan), this work led to the design of a new symmetric self assembling protein. Petit déjeuner Cybersécurité à Montpellier ! She was granted a research Chair of the Pr[AI]rie Institute in 2019 and is deputy director for the health curriculum. He has held several positions of responsibility in the areas of public policy and health. He was the general rapporteur of the National Strategy for Higher Education and the White Paper on Higher Education and Research. Grégoire Mercier, M.D., Ph.D., is the founder and current head of the Data Science Unit at Montpellier University Hospital and a researcher at the CEPEL (CNRS/Montpellier University), a social sciences team primarily focused on public policies. Frédéric Pradeilles became Director of the “Digital Solutions, Ground Segments and Operations” Directorate as of April 2018. government, unions). His favorite keywords: #Data, #BigData, #AI, #DataScience, #DataGovernance, #DataProtection, #GPDR, Read his publications on the Business & Decision blog (http://blog.businessdecision.com/author/MickLevy). BSides Security, or BSides, came to life due to the high number of individuals and organizations who have wanted to participate in Black Hat Briefings but couldn’t conceivably be accommodated.When all the talks that weren’t accepted were presented to smaller groups, the BSides Series was born. Select which regions in the United States you're interested in. L'événement peut être hors ligne ou en ligne, tant qu'il est dans Information Security, nous le listerons. All Cybersecurity Conferences and Events taking place in Bordeaux in [year] will be placed within this resource. has been leading the development and business growth of the company to create a leader in Economic Intelligence powered by AI. In 1998, Fabien obtained both a Master Sciences in Engineering from CentraleSupelec and a Master Sciences in Research in Solid Physics from University Pierre et Marie Curie. He joined the corporate research center of Airbus in 2000. In 2016 Olivier started a new challenge in the automotive industry, building data-driven and AI-powered services in the Cloud for connected vehicles. In the last 10 years, his main focus moved from code to data. He is also an Honorary Professor at the University of Manchester and a Visiting Professor at Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Prof. Olga Battaïa holds the position of Associate Dean for Research at Kedge Business School where she is also a Full Professor at the Department of Operations Management and Information Systems. 0 Interested . Head of Spacecraft & Systems Engineering, has more than 20 years of experience in the Investment Management Industry on setting up and implementing investment strategies within equity, commodity and credit markets. He held several senior investment positions within top leading investment banks and hedge funds, starting his career in 1998 for the equity derivatives trading division of Soci. Fabien BARDINETSenior Vice President – Head of Manufacturing Engineering. He had become Deputy Director of DIA in November 2017. Programme et inscription. He leads the AI works of theSACHEM project for process control assistance, one of the largest civil AI projects of the 2000s. Nicolas Mazzucchi was also fellow “armaments and defense economics” at the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM) and associate-fellow at the Institut Français des Relations Internationales et Strategiques. Thursday, November 22, 2018 at 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM UTC+01. Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control. Since february 2020, he holds the position of Expert Leader in Artificial Intelligence and manages the world-wide network in this field with applications in all domains and functions (engineering, supply-chain & manufacturing, sales & after-sales, quality, support functions, …). How to reduce the drain of European talent to the big American digital players? Besides research and industrial collaboration, he likes to teach in both initial and continuous education. Serial entrepreneur, William is mostly a leader and visionary. Pole Emploi aims to guide job seekers during their period of inactivity. Cybermatinée. Luc TRUNTZLERPresident of the Commission on AI and Cognition. Fabien is also associate professor at CentraleSupelec and belongs to several scientific comittees (AMIES, Fondation Sciences & Maths à Paris,SIA, …). Erwan LE PENNECAssociate Professor of Applied Mathematics. A high-level and international group of government leaders with industry, research, academic, and civil society stakeholders will come to the stage to discuss, debate and examine the AI world order and whether Europe can be influential in the near future. His creativity, his vision and passion for technologies as well as his wish to keep moving forward, brought him to build XXII, a deep technology company composed of more than sixty passionate collaborators. This support deals with all key aspects for business creation (strategy, intellectual property, legal analysis, market, marketing and communication, etc.). Between 2010 and 2019 Hidalgo led MIT’s Collective Learning group, climbing through the ranks from Assistant to Associate Professor. Evaluate the benefits for you to participate in a trust framework such as the one Occitanie Data has been building for 1 year, and discover in preview our evolution and our new offers for 2021. Que vous soyez nouveau dans le coin ou pas, ou juste de passage, vous trouverez certainement sur Eventbrite une activité susceptible de vous intéresser. Arnaud de Rosnay is Head of Spacecraft and Systems Engineering at Airbus Defence and Space since September 2019. He is currently smiling internally at the idea of writing a text about himself at the third person while he should instead be writing the names of so many collaborators. She’s a regular speaker and adviser on AI ethics topics and was ranked « Top 50 Women Pioneers in Tech in France » in 2018. At the national level, how should the AI industry be organized without locking itself from the inside? Appointed director of Strategy and External Relations in 2013, I contributed to the creation of Pole Emploi Occitanie, public institution ensued from the merger of the two former regions (Midi Pyrénées and Languedoc Roussillon). Sécurité . On the computational biology side, Thomas initiated the development of computer programs that have been massively used in biology, in genetics and genomics. Log In. In 2004, he founded and manages his R&D Center dedicated to knowledge technologies. Fabien Bardinet is an aviation fan and a robotics enthusiast. It supports them from the stage of the proof of concept or first prototype up to the stage of the first business contracts and first fund raising. He is a fellow of the European Association for AI (EurAI), and of the Association for the Advancement of AI (AAAI) as well as a recipient of the ACP Distinguished Service Award. Founder of the FPTI, Federation of Intrusion Testing Professionals. François-Marie LESAFFREArtificial Intelligence Technological Champion.